About Us

Environmental Solutions

Environmental Solutions is the field and consulting division of Dixon Information, a family owned and operated analytical testing lab. Together, we provide bulk and air sample testing and consulting services for asbestos, mold, lead, methamphetamine, bacteria, and other toxins that can threaten the health and safety of building occupants. We are accredited by AIHA (101579) and NVLAP (101012-0). Our decades of experience, knowledge and capabilities in industrial hygiene make our communities safer and healthier places to live and work. For more information about Dixon Information visit dixoninformation.com.

Founded on Values of Family, Integrity and Public Service

During our 35-year tenure, we have earned a reputation as a leader in hazardous materials testing and consulting services. We have serviced thousands of satisfied clients in the private and public sectors.

Our team of field-service professionals provide comprehensive inspections, traveling hundreds of miles to collect samples of hazardous substances and perform on-site assessments for lead. And because we work alongside a dedicated team of microscopists at our accredited testing laboratory, we deliver analytical reports quickly and efficiently. Our consulting services include planning and management of abatement projects in compliance with local, state and federal regulations.


1957 to 1974 – Willard Dixon worked as a chemist for the US Public Health Service and OSHA. He analyzed a variety of substances of occupational health significance including carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, heavy metals, uranium, radium, arsenic, antimony, solvents, hormones and various organics.

1974 to 1987 – Willard Dixon worked for OSHA specializing in microscopy as a tool for asbestos analysis. He became a national expert, developing and teaching methods for testing asbestos. He trained analysts from state and federal laboratories including Hawaii, Washington, Utah, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, EPA and FDA.

1987 – Willard Dixon retired from OSHA and started his own asbestos analysis laboratory, Dixon Information.

1989 – Willard Dixon purchased the building in Salt Lake City, Utah where Dixon Information and Environmental Solutions currently reside.

1990 – Willard’s sons joined the lab working along side their father with a shared passion for industrial hygiene and asbestos analysis.

2000 – Environmental Solutions was created as a division of Dixon Information specializing in on-site surveys, hazard assessments and consulting services.

2005 – Dixon Information began performing mold analysis.

2008 – Willard passes ownership and operations of Dixon Information and Environmental Solutions on to his sons.

Today – Charles and Steve Dixon continue to operate Environmental Solutions and Dixon Information, managing over 20 employees. You can still find Charles and Steve at their desks peering into microscopes or in the conference room discussing their work.

Lab testing
Dixon Information Building
Dixon Brother at the Lab